My husband Jim passed away 7 1/2 years ago. I was 55 yr. and only working part time because of his illness. I took a week to get things in order and then plunged into my part time job that eventually became my fulltime everything. It took several months for me to be able to go to fulltime so in my free time I cleaned out SOME drawers and PART of the closet, but I never completed the task!
Today while I was cleaning out some of my (lots) clothing I started going through Jim's things as well . . .
3 hours later I was still at it ~ I texted my boys to ask if they wanted any of dad's old coats. I wondered if they wanted any of his old PanAm stuff, his cowboy boots the only 2 ball caps that ever fit his bushy head each step of the way memories started flooding back ~ remember where we went or did in this how he looked when he was casual or decked out ~ Jeez ~ it's been a day! A day that should have happened a long time ago and yet a day that almost didn't happen even today! I know some people put things in order very quickly on the outside, but never resolve the inner turmoil that death brings. Obviously, I hold on to THINGS for a long time ~ FLIP I gave away a cape that I had gotten when I was 15 yr old today!!!
It really isn't about the THINGS ~ It's about the memories I promise! I just wanted to share these thoughts with someone, anyone really because sometimes it feels like I am the only one who still remembers! I know it's not true, but as we go through life we gather our special moments that we only shared with that special someone & now it's only a memory!